
The Art and Science of the Major Gift Ask for Healthcare

April 24
2 pm ET  |  11 am PT

Have you considered the art and science aspects of the major gift fundraising process? Technological advancements in wealth screening, especially with iWave, and better prospect and donor database management systems have refined the science. Blended with the art of persuasion, these tools can help you become an even better major gift fundraiser.

Explore the art and science of the ask as presenters discuss:

  • The case for support creation
  • Pre-solicitation steps, including wealth screening and prospect research
  • Solicitation of major gifts
  • Continuous building of donor relationships. 

Kevin Wallace (President and Partner, Campaign Counsel) and Melissa Sais (VP and Partner, Campaign Counsel) use this combination of art and science every day in their work—helping nonprofits across the country plan and manage capital campaigns. Designed for executive directors and development leaders, this one-hour session will prepare you to assess your own organization and the tools at your disposal, learn a proven process you can use to approach major gift fundraising, and boost your confidence in asking for those five-figure and higher gifts.  

4/24/2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Wednesday, 24 April 2024

4/24/2024 2:00 PM

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